The Retzer Land Music School’s Youth Choir is open to all interested students and rehearses on a project-by-project basis. It was established in 2013 by Karoline Schöbinger-Muck and has a varied programme of concert projects. Large choral-orchestral projects involving music-school ensembles complete the programme, with highlights like the choir’s participation in the “Bundesjugendsingen” (the largest youth-choir competition in Europe) in Graz, the radio programme “vielstimmig” on ORF NÖ, “Chorissimo” in Grafenegg, the autumn concert of the “Chorszene NÖ” in the Klagenraum Minoritenkirche churches Krems-Stein, in the Advent market at the Palais NÖ, or in the “1. Lange Nacht der Chöre” in Krems, i.e. the “1st long night of choirs”.
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